info (EN) 


The event will take place on 11 June from 23.00 to  05.45.

Until what time can I enter the event? 

The doors remain open throughout the whole night.

Can I re-enter the event after leaving?

Re-entry is NOT possible.

All Verknipt events are 18+. Make sure to bring your ID!

There will be a cloakroom available at the venue of Pacha where you can safely store your jacket.

Pacha has a no single use plastic policy.

You can pay with credit card or cash. 

The event location is accessible to the disabled and wheelchairs. Do not hesitate to ask our staff for assistance if needed. 

There is an outdoor designated smoking area at the location. Smoking inside the venue is prohibited.

It is possible to buy cigarettes/vapes.

Verknipt maintains a zero tolerance policy on drugs. It is forbidden to use, trade or posses any drugs at the event. When the organization spots or confirms any infringements, the offender can be handed over to the police. When the delinquent is being caught he/she will be transferred over to the police. Before entering the event you will be able to deposit drugs in the designated drug bins without being charged with any consequences. 

Make sure you celebrate safe!

You are not allowed to bring food & beverages to the events of Verknipt. Which means lollipops and chewing gums are not allowed either. But, we will make sure that lollipops can be purchased at the events. 

With an official doctor’s note it is permitted to bring your medication to the event.

As with many other festivals, the following items are not allowed on our festival grounds:

  • Hard drugs, nitrous oxide, and pre-rolled joints (a maximum of 5 grams of weed/hash is allowed, as long as it is not pre-rolled)
  • Food and (alcoholic) beverages
  • Glassware, (plastic) bottles, and cans
  • Umbrellas, selfie sticks, confetti, graffiti, laser pens, and candles
  • Professional cameras (unless press accreditation is requested via [email protected])
  • Promotional materials such as stickers
  • Weapons, fireworks, or items that could be used as weapons
  • Deodorant, liquid perfume, nasal spray, and sunscreen spray (sunscreen cream is allowed)
  • All other items logically falling under the above categories

Check our house rules here.

There are no food options available at Pacha. 

How to get there

Passeig Maritim de la Barceloneta 38, 08003, Barcelona, Spain

There are several parking options nearby Pacha, Barcelona
(These parking areas are not related to Pacha):

  • BSM Marina Port: Carrer de la Marina 15, Barcelona
  • BSM Litoral Port: Avinguda del Litoral 34, Barcelona


Please note that parking rates and availability can vary, so please check the latest information before your visit.

Take the L4 metro to the Ciutadella Vila Olímpica station. From there, it’s a short 5 minute walk to the venue of Pacha.


Where can I buy tickets?

You can purchase entrance tickets for the event here.

What are the differences between the entrance tickets?

There is no difference between the entrance tickets. We work in tiers. Early ticket buyers have more advantage regarding buying a ticket with a discount. The later you will buy your ticket, the more expensive it will be

Can I scan my tickets on my phone?

Yes. Make sure to put the brightness of your phone on 100%.

The event has been cancelled, what happens now?

If the event can’t take place due to Covid-19, you can request a refund. 

Further instructions will be given through email, please wait patiently for this.


When will I receive my refund?

The process of refunding your ticket will be approximately 5 business days after confirmation.